Wednesday, May 16, 2012
migrating this blog!
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
been awhile!

Yes, alas and alack, I haven't been very judicious in posting new work, so here goes - a recent poster for my band at a Quaker Steak & Lube in Sheffield Village near Cleveland - fun gig and very hot that eve! Anyway, this poster was a lot of fun to put together...the whole Hatch Printery aesthetic is a favorite of mine to work in...
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Children's Illustration

I just finished illustrating the last book in a four part series for Lerner Publishing in Minneapolis. It's a series that focuses on mnemonic techniques to help kids remember various facts, spelling etc. This particular book was a lot of fun and I enjoyed 'amping' up the already punchy color look of the series...
Monday, January 3, 2011
Wall St. Journal

I've been selling cartoons to various magazines and publications since 1988 - love the business, yet it's certainly changed over the years! The submission process is essentially spec, but I really enjoy the creative freedom. Anyway, my stuff shows up fairly regularly in The Wall St.'s a recent one...
Thursday, November 18, 2010
The Daily Cartoonist
There's a lot of cartooning/cartoonist blogs out there, but one of the very best is Alan Gardner's “The Daily Cartoonist". Any and ALL cartooning related news can be found here, and it covers most of the various disciplines in the field very effectively and professionally, although, oddly, it overlooks the greeting card industry, which employs an astounding number of cartoonists and humorous illustrators. Part of this seems to be a somewhat slavish predilection towards the syndication crowd, who in many cases, dominate the comment sections with flame wars over fairly innocuous issues. Not for the faint of heart, and oftentimes, breathtakingly juvenile and very clique-ish. All I get from that aspect is how socially ignorant many otherwise talented individuals are, who seem to relish their fleeting moments of internet glory. Truly no fun to read and about as insightful as Browns/ Steelers fans screaming at each other in a bar. The only difference is said posters bravely sit in front of a computer taking their shots. Real tough.
As mentioned above, TDC mysteriously overlooks the greeting card industry, and I’m not quite sure why that is. Obviously, I’m somewhat partial here, but as a site dedicated to all things cartooning, from craft and technique to freelance and employment etc., it seems somewhat antithetical to the site’s apparent mission to overlook this segment of the field, which, quite frankly, employs far more cartoonists and humorous illustrators (not to mention graphic designers in general) than every syndicate combined.
All of the above aside, don’t be fooled - TDC is THE best source for most industry-related news, the gold-standard in fact, and is a must-stop for beginners and professionals alike. Visit often and be sure to donate – it takes a lot of work to keep a site like this running. Save yourself the tedium of the comments/posts, though – root canals are way more fun.