Sunday, July 10, 2011

recent card designs...

Here's some recent greeting card work...

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

been awhile!

Yes, alas and alack, I haven't been very judicious in posting new work, so here goes - a recent poster for my band at a Quaker Steak & Lube in Sheffield Village near Cleveland - fun gig and very hot that eve! Anyway, this poster was a lot of fun to put together...the whole Hatch Printery aesthetic is a favorite of mine to work in...

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Children's Illustration

I just finished illustrating the last book in a four part series for Lerner Publishing in Minneapolis. It's a series that focuses on mnemonic techniques to help kids remember various facts, spelling etc. This particular book was a lot of fun and I enjoyed 'amping' up the already punchy color look of the series...

Monday, January 3, 2011

Wall St. Journal

I've been selling cartoons to various magazines and publications since 1988 - love the business, yet it's certainly changed over the years! The submission process is essentially spec, but I really enjoy the creative freedom. Anyway, my stuff shows up fairly regularly in The Wall St.'s a recent one...